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Fics: by points

G, PG, PG-13, R & NC-17 are Ratings

sl = story line, ws = writing style, sp = spelling, gr = grammar

Note: Points for story line and writing style are subjective. Opinions of the "readers" for the Severely Severus Snape Fan Fic web site may differ from other readers.




 Key Characters




A Sex Ed Lesson

This a very hysterically well written "what if" concerning Snape giving a sex education lesson.

Notes: NC-17

Lady Feylene 02-03-24 The Students  sl 5, ws 5, sp 5, gr 5
Total 20


Yet Another Snape Meets the Dursleys Story

Snape gets a desperate summons to Privet Drive, but he doesn’t find what he’s expecting to find.

Notes: PG

Rabbit 02-03-24 Harry, Dursleys  sl 4, ws 5, sp 5, gr 5
Total 19



A brilliant piece. A recorded interview with Severus Snape after Voldemort's death.

Notes: R, violent

Rune Scriptor 02-04-13 (To tell would spoil) The Interrogator  sl 5, ws 4, sp 5, gr 5
Total 19


Staffroom Seduction

This is an absolutely fantastic story about how Snape and Remus aide one another in a time of need through a transitioning relationship.

Notes: NC-17, Slash

Dovie 02-04-13 Remus  sl 5, ws 5, sp 4, gr 4
Total 18


Dying of the Light

The story and secrets of Severus Snape, from his nearly not being admitted to Hogwarts to his becoming a teacher there.

Notes: R, Slash

Rochelle 02-03-24 Remus Lupin  sl 5, ws 4, sp 4, gr 4
Total 17




Wicked Game I: Strange What Desire Makes Foolish People Do

After returning to Hogwarts, Remus Lupin tries to establish a new life for himself -- and to repair the mistakes of the past.

Notes: R, Slash

JayKay 02-03-24 Remus Lupin  sl 5, ws 4, sp 4, gr 4
Total 17


Chocoalte Frog


Wicked Game II: Let Me Dream of You

This is set during GoF, and it's written entirely in the form of letters sent back-and-forth between Remus and Severus. Very well done.

Notes: R, Slash

JayKay 02-03-24 Remus Lupin  sl 5, ws 4, sp 4, gr 4
Total 17


Chocolate Frog


Wicked Game III: Never Dreamed I'd Love Somebody Like You

This is set during the summer after GoF.

Notes: NC-17, Slash

JayKay 02-03-24 Remus Lupin, Sirius Black  sl 5, ws 4, sp 4, gr 4
Total 17


Chocolate Frog



Snape struggles with his identity in the face of an emotional Madame Hooch, who has her reasons for fearing Death Eaters.

Notes: R

Simone Magus 02-04-01 Madame Hooch  sl 5, ws 4, sp 4, gr 4
Total 17


The Price You Pay

On the eve of returning to Voldemort at Dumbledore's behest, Snape reviews past events ultimately revealing the reason for his dislike of Harry and why he is the way he is.

Notes: PG-13

Snape Cheerleader 02-04-13 Snape's family, Voldemort, Dumbledore  sl 5, ws 4, sp 4, gr 4
Total 17


 Eleni's Missing Years

A mysterious female student arrives at Hogwarts during the famous trio's 5th year with a past Snape and Dumbledore seem to have knowledge of where she does not. But she's about to learn.

Notes: PG-13

McMish 02-04-13 OCF, The Students, The Staff  sl 3, ws 3 sp 4, gr 4
Total 14


The Restricted Section

Severus Snape recieves an unwanted visitor in the library's restricted section.

Notes: PG

Rushumble 02-04-01 OCF   sl 4, ws 2, sp 4, gr 4
Total 14



Tale about a Muggle woman stranded in the middle of the Wizard Wars during HP's fifth year. Author's take on how-it-all-might-end.

Notes: PG-13, English Second Language

Andolyn 02-04-01 Harry, OCF  sl 2, ws 2, sp 4, gr 4
Total 12


The Forbidden Forest

This involves a young Severus Snape and an unsuspecting (but extremely delighted) Auror.

Notes: NC-17

Rushumble 02-04-01 OCF  sl 2, ws 2, sp 4, gr 3
Total 11

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Stories found and linked to on this site comprise of characters owned by JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic Inc. and Time Warner Inc. No permission has been given, no money is being made, and no infringement is intended.

Website design is © Akasa Publishing 2002.

Artwork is used with permission and is © Laura Freeman 2000 - 2002.

Tough Guide is used with permission and is © Rugi and Gwena 2002.