You may submit details regarding creations either by yourself or another (if created by someone else, please indicate this so Blond & Blonde can seek out their permission) individuals. Please provide as many of the details as possible with respect to each classification of submission below.
Send submissions, stipulating which section of Blond & Blonde the item is for, according to the outline below by e-mail to: blondandblonde REMOVE CAPPED @ TEXT akasa. bc. ca
You will be contacted within a couple of weeks. Please do not be concerned if you are not contacted immediately. If you do not hear from Blond & Blonde within a couple of weeks, please resend your original e-mail.
The fanfiction and artwork archived on Blond & Blonde consist of characters created and owned by but not limited to J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, and Warner Bros. Inc.. No permission has been given, no money is being made, and therefore no infringement is intended.
Beyond the aforementioned understood ownership, each author and artist retains the copyrights of their own work. Please contact each author or artist personally if you wish to archive their work.
Web design and layout are © Xandria 2003, 2004
Artwork not on individual author and artist pages are © Kashuarashi 2003, 2004
What Is Acceptable
- Lucius/Narcissa in a relationship of convenience, planned, coerced etc.
- Other pairings and relationships with either Lucius and/or Narcissa.
- Other characters written as main characters alongside Lucius and Narcissa.
- Lucius and Narcissa separated for reasons of a plausible plot point.
What Is Unacceptable
- Poorly written fan fic (you may wish to consider a beta reader; definitely check for grammar and spelling; avoid severely out of character characters unless it is AU or parody).
- Lucius/Narcissa portrayed within a highly abusive relationship.
Please send the fan fiction in any of the following formats as an attachment: .txt, and .rtf.
Please provide the following information:
1. Author Information
- Author name
- Author e-mail
- Author URLs (personal web site, fan fiction web site, blog etc.)
- Bio
2. Fic Information
- Fic title
- Disclaimer
- Rating (NC-17, R, PG-13, PG, G)
- Genre (general, drama, angst, horror, romance, AU, parody, humour etc.)
- Warnings (extreme violence, chan, incest, character death)
- Main characters/pairings (other than Lucius & Narcissa)
- Author's notes
- Summary
What Is Acceptable
- Other characters alongside Lucius and Narcissa.
- Drawings, photo manipulations, comics.
- Any rating.
What Is Unacceptable
Lucius/Narcissa depicted in an abusive scenario (this does not include BDSM).
Please send art and graphics in any of the following formats as an attachment: .gif, .jpg, and .png.
Please provide the following information:
1. Artist Information
- Artist name
- Artist e-mail
- Artist URLs (personal web site, fan fiction web site, blog etc.)
- Bio
2. Art Information
- Art title (if applicable)
- Disclaimer
- Rating (NC-17, R, PG-13, PG, G)
- Warnings (extreme violence, chan, incest, character death)
- Main characters/pairings (other than Lucius & Narcissa)
- Artist's notes
What Is Acceptable
- General commentary regarding the characterization of Lucius and Narcissa either as individuals or within the confines of their relationship between one another and others.
What Is Unacceptable
- Flaming other individuals or outright condemnation of the pairing Lucius/Narcissa.
Please send the dissertation/essay/commentary in any of the following formats as an attachment: .txt, and .rtf.
Please provide the following information:
1. Author Information
- Author name
- Author e-mail
- Author URLs (personal web site, fan fiction web site, blog etc.)
- Bio
2. Dissertation Information
- Dissertation title
- Author's notes
- Summary
What Is Acceptable
- Web site and URLs containing any content concerning Lucius and/or Narcissa.
- Sites containing archives, reviews, and general Harry Potter information.
- Articles, mailing lists, and miscellaneous information of interest to Lucius/Narcissa shippers.
What Is Unacceptable
- Anti-Lucius/Narcissa web sites and URLs.
Please send the web site or URL link within the actual email. Please attach any pertinent graphics or banners to the email.
Please provide the following link data information:
- Web site/URL
- Web site/URL title
- Summary
- Banners or graphics