Welcome to Blond & Blonde, a Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy archive of fan fiction, artwork and related items (perhaps some day host to writing and art festivals, a discussion group and who knows what else).
For those who may have stumbled onto this site who are unaware, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy are characters from the famous Harry Potter books by J. K. Rowling (and if you don't know who that is, well, you really are lost aren't you?).
The HP (Harry Potter) fandom is absolutely massive with every conceivable pairing and plot concept being explored, written about and drawn up. It is sometimes amusing to see the plethora of creations of what one might consider an atypical pairing sweep through the fandom -- presented both poorly (usually) and sometimes well. Lost in this sea of experimentation is one established canon (evidenced within the original works by J. K. Rowling) pairing very seldom portrayed with any great depth -- Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.
It is completely understood that the majority of fandom creations are slash (same sex relationships), but it's surprising that those who love het (opposite sex relationships) do not use the very wide open canvas of Lucius and Narcissa to paint their desires. Be that as it may, this website will hopefully serve as an archive and host to some of the finest Lucius/Narcissa centric fic and art that exists as well as serving as home to some interesting thoughts concerning this intriguing couple.
Please enjoy your stay and feel free to contribute by sending stories, artwork, essays etc. and passing this site along to anyone who you think might be interested. Pour yourself a glass of some respectable cognac (Lormin XO is suggested or Courvoisier Erte if you can find it), send the house elf for some canapés, settle into that soft leather armchair and have a perusal.
Who is Narcissa?
The Narcissa images we have spread throughout the site are of the very lovely (unfortunately not UK) actress Rebecca de Mornay. We felt she captured the visual identity of Narcissa quite well, but since she is not British, we know she isn't even on the short list to play Narcissa (much as we desire otherwise).

What We Know
Very little is actually known about Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy from the canon material.
We know Lucius:
- is a Death Eater,
- was on the Board of Governors for Hogwarts,
- doesn't seem to care much for Muggles, Mudbloods and those who exalt and protect them (i.e. Arthur Weasley and Headmaster Dumbledore),
- is wealthy and wields a tremendous amount of power,
- is a Pureblood,
- didn't do all that he could have to resurrect Voldemort,
- has no qualms about the collection and use of the Dark Arts,
- has high hopes for his son, Draco,
- will use blackmail to gain an advantage,
- has Minister Fudge wrapped around his finger due to his station in the Wizarding world,
- serves on the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures,
- etc.
We know Narcissa:
- appears very snobby,
- sends Draco numerous sweets packages,
- is loyal to Voldemort's cause,
- is a true "Black", and
- cares for her son very much.
Sadly, not much is known about Narcissa (even after Book 5) and virtually nothing is known about her relationship with Lucius. Given their aristocratic and public station, they are likely not governed by the same rules as couples from "average" society where public image is not as paramount to the retention of their station. Thusly, the face Lucius and Narcissa may put on for the benefit of the Wizarding world may differ from the one that exists behind their Manor doors.
Too often, unfortunately, Lucius is portrayed in the fandom as an overbearing and abusive husband to Narcissa's meek and stupid nature as a wife. There is no canon material or plausible extrapolation for this type of a relationship. Furthermore, Narcissa is often the annoying appendage to be conveniently excised when writing Lucius into another pairing (she is often conveniently killed, sent to St. Mungos, completely forgotten about or divorced).
That is not to say that Lucius and Narcissa have a monogamous relationship. The extent or nature of the possibility of polygamy in their marriage is quite wide open and speculative. However, public image is paramount, so it's doubtful they are publicly open about any consensual or non consensual affairs either one of them may indulge in.
And while there is truly no canon or plausible extrapolation for a healthy relationship between Lucius and Narcissa, an absence of certain facets that might otherwise be more apparent (i.e. Draco seems only to suffer from the classic spoiled brat syndrome rather than the child who grew up in abusive household such as Harry) lend credence to the plausibility that their marriage is indeed more healthy than it is abusive.
In conclusion, the contents of this website, except in the nature of discussion, will largely be devoid of Abusive!Lucius and Weak!Narcissa. There are far too many fics out there with that type of a relationship and that is not what this website is about. Blond & Blonde is a celebration of the relationship of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, in whatever form it exists and with the above proviso.

Gratitude from the Webmistress
I would first like to thank Rhoddlet who in the Spring of 2002 verified to me that yes, indeed, it was possible to have Lucius and Narcissa portrayed as a loving couple -- a loving evil couple, but loving towards one another nonetheless. Rhoddlet's role played version of Narcissa is forever fixed in my mind and a constant source of inspiration for me.
From keeping Lucius' knives sharpened, to keeping his liquor stock replenished, visiting her husband at the Ministry and shagging him senseless while Fudge was listening at the door, to later shagging Lucius against the bathroom wall at Fudge's funeral reception, to making preserves, eradicating unwanted garden pests and pets, diplomatically thwarting Lucius' desire for a dragon, leaving Lucius and Severus alone for weekends at a time so the boys can play, luring Percy Weasley into the family, playing the perfect Hostess... and the memories just don't stop.
Thank you, my darling wife.
Massive thanks to Kashuarashi for several things.
One, she provides fabulous inspiration for the realities of a plausible canon extension of Lucius/Narcissa. She weaves wonderfully rational challenges within their relationship that makes it very easy to sympathize with them despite their inherent nature. She makes them very real.
Two, she provides the most fantastic graphics for this website. The title image, banners and various other graphics you see scattered about Blond & Blonde are all her doing. As I'm sure you agree, her skill is what truly brings this site to life.
Three, for being a wonderful friend and most excellent person to bounce Malfoy and related ideas off of. And also for the Domain, where we play with our muses, lure them into interacting and developing into believable characters with a pulse.
Last But Not Least
A truly heartfelt thank you to Olympia, Adolfa, Naoimi, Libertine and all you other pro Lucius/Narcissa shippers out there. In a sea of HP Slash (which I personally adore for the most part -- depending on the pairing), it's nice to also have very hot het Malfoy interaction! Your support by reading, writing and spreading the word is helpful in keeping this rare and yet so obvious pairing alive.
~ Xandria
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