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Fan Fiction
Introduction |
What You Will Find The fan fiction archived here is Lucius/Narcissa centric or where they are among the main characters of the fic (some exceptions may be made and is at the discretion of the Webmistress). The relationship of Lucius/Narcissa as presented incorporates the basic ideology that they have a reasonably healthy relationship where Lucius is not abusive to his wife and Narcissa is not a weakling -- monogamy is, of course, optional. The stories are all genres, and all ratings with no limitations concerning content (incest, chan, BDSM, fetish, violence etc. is all permissible). The only other stipulation is that it is well written (again, some exceptions may be made and is at the discretion of the Webmistress). Yes, that is elitist and bound to garner bad feelings, but that's the way it is. One could argue that with such limited writings concerning this pairing, one should not be so choosy. However, like the Malfoys themselves, only the best will do (or close to it). Is Something Not Here That Should Be? If you have written or have come across a fic that deserves to be archived here, please visit the Submission page. It would be lovely to have more written works here. How The Fic Is Organized Fan fic is listed alphabetically by author below. If there are any broken links or errors, please report them by sending an e-mail. Thank you. The most recent additions have been marked with -NEW- and the most recent updates have been marked with -UPDATED-. You may also wish to visit the Updates page for more detail. Feedback Please remember that authors do enjoy receiving feedback. If you read something that affects you, send them even a brief e-mail expressing your feelings. |
Copyright |
The fan fiction and artwork archived on Blond & Blonde consist of characters created and owned by but not limited to J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, and Warner Bros. Inc.. No permission has been given, no money is being made, and therefore no infringement is intended. Beyond the aforementioned understood ownership, each author and artist retains the copyrights of their own work. Please contact each author or artist personally if you wish to archive their work. Web design and layout are © Xandria 2003 Artwork not on individual author and artist pages are © Kashuarashi 2003 |
Fic By Author |
E-mail: Abaddon @ angelsabyss . net URLs: Bio: Abaddon is a twenty something gay male, with far too many neuroses. These have in turn led him to write HP slash and het fic over the past two years, and as he's an English/History co-major, he assures any potential reader that his fic is therefore overly pretentious and verbose. Into The Woods, Act One: Introduction (bohemian rhapsody) - Moments 1-12 - Moments 13-24 - Moments 14-36 - |
E-mail: ajhall @ shoesforindustry . net URLs: Bio: A.J. Hall is resident in Greater Manchester, which was once, before the infamous depredations of the 1974 Local Government Acts, rightfully part of the County Palatine of Lancashire. Hall was educated at one of the older Universities of this kingdom, and encountered sufficient like-minded nutters there to use as case-studies so as to argue convincingly against compulsory committal ever since (though luck on this point may be starting to run out). Other fanfics include Ships That Pass (available on-line at www.thedarkarts.org) in the HP fandom. Besides writing, Hall's hobbies include sailing obsessively around the Irish Sea and Western Scotland, drinking and arguing about trivialities endlessly in various on-line forums. Hall'smost significant SF fandom moment was possibly meeting Terry Pratchett in the kitchen at a party in Purley in the late 1980s, though it is fair to say that a friend who was also at the party recalls the host telling her that Terry Pratchett had been unavoidably prevented from attending. Queer As Scent |
E-mail: Gwendolyn grace @ yahoo. com URLs: Bio: Gwendolyn Grace is a 30-something author with an undergraduate degree in theatre, a master’s degree in business, and a day job. She is a founding author and moderator at FictionAlley, a sometime-List Elf at Harry Potter for Grownups, and a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. She is also Minister of Magic for Nimbus - 2003: a Harry Potter Symposium. The Waking Dragon |
E-mail: kashuarashi @ gundamwing . net URLs: Bio: Hn. Mini-bio. I never do *anything* mini! Except maybe ficlets. It's part of my insanity. And, despite what my father tells me, I *am* insane. I'm a born and bred Pac. North Westerner, can understand a 'drizzle with light showers' forcast and all, and hope to never leave the dreariness of Seattle. The furthest I've gone is to the other side of the state where it's snowy then HOT and it sucks. >.< I like cats. A LOT. Also snakes. I wish I could have one of both in my dorm room, but such is not allowed. *sigh* Ah well, you don't *really* want to read about me here, do you? I didn't think so. Ja mata! Savior |
E-mail: ravensnape @ potter . org URLs: Bio: Umm… I am a Slytherin Fic writer…and a L/N shipper . -UPDATED-Can You Really find Love Again? - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - |
E-mail: ladyjackyl@hotmail.com URLs: Bio: I have been writing fan fiction for about three years, but have only been involved in the Harry Potter fandom since about November of 2002. Stronger Than Justice
Two-Faced |
E-mail: emaillibertine @ yahoo. co. uk URLs: Bio: Er. I write fanfic and am a Lucius/Narcissa shipper... Gorge - Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - |
E-mail: darlinggrrrl @ hotmail. com URLs: Hell Hath No Fury... |
E-mail: goddess @ yaoigoddess . com URLs: -NEW-Like Love, Only Real - Prologue-Chapter 4 - Chapter 5-9 - Chapter 10-Epilogue Disclaimer: All hail J.K. Rowling, hers, not mine, etc. |
E-mail: rube @ vitreoushumour . com URLs: Onomatopoeia Also, the dedication is to Erin/durendal, because I don't think I've ever dedicated one thing I've written to her, and that's just not right. She deserves it. |
E-mail: sqeakyclean42 @ yahoo . co . uk URLs: Stopgap |
E-mail: starkiller @ iprimus . com . au The Killing Game |
E-mail: titti_adriano @ hotmail . com URLs: -NEW-Family Man |
E-mail: xandria @ akasa. bc. ca URLs: Bio: Xandria runs her own business and distracts herself with reading and writing Harry Potter fan fiction (slash and het). Some of her favourite things are: LEGO, absinthe, all things dark, and sexuality. It has been quoted by several of those who are acquainted with Xandria that she is a "snob of considerable magnitude", and this is reflected in her fic tastes. She has no sense of humour that she is aware of and loses friends at the drop of a hat for her acerbic attitude. -NEW-Warmth of Heart
Duty To The Family - Part I -
Discoveries & Concessions
Happy Valentine's Day, Darling |
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